Want to know what we think the no. 1 secret to successful video content is? It’s clarity.

Think about your video, photo and written content? Could you be lacking clarity?

It’s a big question. Clarity is power for so many areas in life, but especially when it comes to running a business.

A lack of clarity can be dangerous

A lack of clarity in your brand’s image/identity can cause:

– mixed messaging,
– a messy website,
– Call To Actions that are always unanswered,
– conversions stats that are constantly falling, and
– marketing strategies that boil down to “the loudest voice wins”.

Instead, clarity in your branding will help you to become a thought leader in your industry.

Essentially, not having clear messaging has a detrimental impact on the performance of your website and consequently on your company!

What’s the solution?

Keeping your messaging clear and simple, one (two max) messages per video, also means that you can conduct really clear split testing. This makes it possible to look really closely at your performance metrics. Then you can make any changes to suit the data you find.

What might my videos look like if I’m clear with my messaging?

Our Inktense Ad for Derwent Art, long-term client, always have clear, simple messaging. We talk about the USPs of that one specific product. The product videos don’t delve into the history, or origins of Derwent. They just look at what that specific product can do, like this:

What does success look like to you?

Is Success about pushing more traffic to your website, which then converts into enquiries, which then turn into sales?

If you said yes, then remember our one secret. Be consistent with your messaging and keep it simple and clear.

One message per video, or piece of content. If you don’t then it’s hard for your audience to take in what you are saying.

The secret to successful video content? It’s simplicity and clarity.

We hope that’s helped if you’ve been searching for the secret to successful video content.

Ready to speak to Nomadic about creating video content for your business?

Contact us today at Nomadic UK in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL52 2EX, or call us on 01242 373942. Or fill out the form.

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