‘What’s the best type of video for my business?’ Vlog

That’s right. This week we’re mixing things up and have broken from tradition – BIG time! We’re here with a Vlog this week. Featuring one of Nomadic UK’s co-founders, Amy and guest starring James Porter from Eleven Circles Marketing Services and Consultancy.

We hope you enjoy it!

What’s the best type of video for my business?

Video Transcript


You’re aware of the power of a company video … but you’ve not created one … and deep down, you know you’re missing a trick!


Or worse still … your competitors ARE already using video … and you’re playing catch up!

A Talking Heads video


So, you want to make a video – to drive business growth.But what sort of video? How do you stand out from the crowd? … And more importantly – how do you ensure your message gets through?


Of course, you’ve got to be clear and concise … getting straight to the point … explaining the customer benefits. And as the saying goes, you’ve got to … Be Good, Be Quick, and be Gone.

Too much, and it’s boring – and the impact will be lost.

So first – you need to decide on your Core message and then the type of video to suit it. …….. And there are many styles of business videos – which we’ll show you now …


Talking heads videos are great for ‘about us’ messages, covering what you do, what you stand for, and why customers should choose you!

You can hold attention in talking head videos in lots of ways. By adding B-Roll footage … like this … 

B-roll footage gives people a fuller picture of what you do – where the magic happens – showing your business in action … as well as giving the viewer a break from the talking head!

And you can boost interest by adding animation … like this … which is great for covering more

complex or technical subjects … 

Augmented Reality is another feature that can be added to a video, with imagery or graphics introduced after filming, with the presenter gesturing towards the graphic to make their point … like this … or this … It requires more planning, and takes longer to produce, but it’s a great blend of a personal and graphic delivery.

Talking Head videos are also great for case studies, testimonials, Press Releases, company announcements & staff briefings.

A Talking Heads video can give a personal feel to your business, like putting a face to a brand


On the other hand, Talking Heads can also be a great way to show the personal side of your business … introducing yourself and your team to customers – in a friendly, informal way … demonstrating the culture of your business.

 And as with all types of video, the footage can be repurposed too … into short reel messages … like this… for use on digital & social media platforms.

You can film a Talking Heads video with Nomadic here in Cheltenham with our ‘Last Thursday Content Club’ offer, for just £495.

£495 + VAT.


A Talking Heads video focuses on the presenter and is also referred to as a ‘Piece to Camera’ … it looks like this … and it’s a very versatile option.

When we see a person talking to the camera, we pay attention – it’s personal ….  it’s human   nature to watch and analyse – because we’re all social animals.

These videos build trust with customers because you’re the face of your business – out front and central – and talking directly to them.

An Animation video


An Animation is created for you by an animator … like these examples of our work … and comes in many different styles, formats, and package options. They typically look like this … and a voiceover delivers the message … matching the graphics on screen.

Some services and products are better explained using animation, and as they say, ‘a picture paints a thousand words’ … an animation showcases your product, service, or software – by explaining and demonstrating how it benefits the customers.

And of course, we can help you with the script and the voiceover.

An Educational or Explainer video


An educational or explainer video shows how you solve customer challenges and pain points – by explaining how you help customers. They’re a great way to deliver the message quickly, which customers appreciate. 

Explainer videos can use animation – but a talking head or presenter can also be used.

Ad or Promo video


A promotional video, or advert, is designed to show off your latest or most attractive offer … like this … (eg Derwent or O2 arena)… or to showcase a lifestyle or personal experience that your customers aspire to. It typically has a ‘call to action’ (show an e.g.) … and sometimes a time limited offer.

These videos have the highest ‘Return on Investment’ (ROI) when done properly … as they speed up customer decision-making… boost sales – and increase profit to your bottom line.


Making a video is a massive opportunity to outsell and outperform your competition, and the power of an impactful message drives sales and grows your business.


Did you know that in 2024, 90% of businesses are using some form of video in their marketing? 


So, if you’re not harnessing the power of video, but your competitors are, prepare to get left behind. 


Whether you’re new to video, or you’ve been using it from Day 1, NOW’s the time to make your video stand out from the crowd – and remember – competitor videos are dropping every day. 


It’s never been more important to make your content the most exciting, the highest quality, the most engaging – so don’t hesitate. 

Fill out the form below and one of our team will be in touch within 24 hours. 

Your company needs video.

To learn more, please contact us at 01242 373942 or contact us here.



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